The documentary series Zielona Karta (Green Card Gamble) follows the lives of three Polish families who, as a result of winning a Diversity Program visa lottery, each received a green card, allowing them to become permanent residents of the United States.
The characters of the series include Elzbieta and Stanislaw from Warsaw, Adam and Malgorzata from Jaslo (southeast Poland) with their two sons (3 years old Kuba and 12 years old Bartek), and Ola, a university graduate from Poznan. Our characters range from 23 to 50 years old and represent various professions from a clerk to a welder. No one except Ola can speak English.
This 31 part series is divided into two chapters: Polish and American ones. In the first chapter, we meet the characters of our film in preparation as they get ready to leave Poland, and we follow them until their departure. The second chapter shows our immigrants during their first 12 months in United States: in NYC, New Jersey and Chicago. Our camera stayed in daily contact with them, filming every important event of their assimilation and capturing the critical moments of their first months in the United States.
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