Santa Rosa: Odyssey in the Rhythm of Mariachi
In 1943 a group of 1434 Polish refugees from the Soviet Russia, including a few hundred orphans, arrived in an abandoned ranch of Santa Rosa at the invitation of the Mexican President. Santa Rosa, near Leon, Mexico became their home for the few years to come. Earlier in December 1942, Prime Minister of Polish Government in Exile – General Władysław Sikorski arrived in Mexico to sign an agreement with President of Mexico Avila Camacho to set up such a camp. Mexico was the only country outside the British Commonwealth, which offered assistance in solving the humanitarian crisis of thousands of Polish civilians displaced in temporary camps in Iran. Read more below.
In 1943 a group of 1434 Polish refugees from the Soviet Russia, including a few hundred orphans, arrived in an abandoned ranch of Santa Rosa at the invitation of the Mexican President. Santa Rosa, near Leon, Mexico became their home for the few years to come. Earlier in December 1942, Prime Minister of Polish Government in Exile – General Władysław Sikorski arrived in Mexico to sign an agreement with President of Mexico Avila Camacho to set up such a camp. Mexico was the only country outside the British Commonwealth, which offered assistance in solving the humanitarian crisis of thousands of Polish civilians displaced in temporary camps in Iran.
The exile from deep Russia to Mexico led the first group of Polish refugees through Los Angeles, where their ship docked on June 25th, 1943. To their surprise, the Americans locked them up in an internment center for the Japanese immigrants, who were perceived as enemies of the state.
Sławomir Grünberg & Piotr Piwowarczyk
Sławomir Grünberg
Małgorzata Łukomska
Producer – Mexico:
Piotr Piwowarczyk
Assistant Producer:
Manuel Zurita Hernandez
Producer – USA:
Sławomir Grünberg
Asistant Director:
Katka Reszke
Executive Producer:
RAGUSA FILM Lucyna Kowalska
Music used in the film was performed by MARIACHI de CHICAGO
In Szczecin:
Joanna Matias & Bogdan Matias Wierciński
In Chicago:
Tadeusz Pieczko, Czesław Sawko, Stanisława Sawko, Teresa Sokołowska & Stella Synowiec
In Mexico:
Gloria Careño, Anna Niewiadomska, Daniel Carlos Santos de Burgoa, Wojtek Stebelski, Celia Zak de Zuckerman, Anna Żarnecka, Aleksandra Grzybowicz, Walentyna Grycuk & Franciszka Pater
The film was made possible with the financial support of the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland
© Copyright: Log TV, Fundacja NON-FICTION
• Brooklyn Public Library, Brooklyn, NY, March 19, 2014
• 20 Ann Arbor Polish Film Festival
• Ann Arbor, MI, November 9, 2013
• London, UK
• Jagielonian University Research Center, November 1, 2013
• Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK November 31, 2013
• Kino Kultura, Warsaw, October 30, 2013 The 14th Annual Polish Film Festival
• Los Angeles, October 16, 2013
• Pilsudski Institute of America, New York City, October 1, 2013
• Oaxaca Film Festival, Mexico, September 23, 2013
• Chicago Taste of Polonia 2013, Chicago, August 31- September 1, 2013
• Copernicus Center, July 20, 2013, Leon, Mexico
• Teatro Maria Grever, June 29, 2013
• Teatr Pleciuga, Szczecin, Poland, June 20, 2013