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Premiere of new film by Slawomir Grünberg: „Everything is in Your Hands”

Premiere of new film by Slawomir Grünberg: „Everything is in Your Hands”

Premiere of new film by Slawomir Grünberg: „Everything is in Your Hands” 895 1280 LOGTV | Slawomir Grünberg

A new film by Slawomir Grünberg: „Everything is in Your Hands” (Ja, Kaya – Dziołcha ze Śląska) starring Kaya Mirecka-Ploss and produced by Barbara Grünberg will premiere on October 29, 6 pm, Rialto Theater, Katowice, Poland.

Kaya Mirecka-Ploss was closely associated with Jan Karski to whom she dedicated the book “Jan Karski – the man to whom i told the truth”. She helped over a hundred children from Poland to get education in the USA and gave home and full education to three of them.

Learn more about the film